Lifting Machines, Tackle, Clamps, Attachments & Accessories

Lifting Machines:

Electric Chain Hoist JIS 8815/1987 and or DIN VDE 0100
Pneumatic Chain Hoists SABS 1638 : 1995
Chain Block – Hand Operated JIS B8801/12, SANS 1594:2006, BS 3243
Lever Hoist – Hand Operated JIS 8819 and or SANS 1636:2006
Jib Cranes SANS 1599-1:1994


Chain – EN 818 – 1 & 2 SANS 189 ISO 3076
Chain Slings – Welded Assy. Grade 8 ISO 4778 / SANS 4778
Chain Slings – Instant Assy. (MAX•A•LOK) Gr. 8 ISO 7593 / SANS 7593 – EN 818 – 1 & 4
Components for chain sling – Grade 8 EN 1677 – 1 & 4 ISO 4778
Polyester Sling – Endless Type EN 1492-2 / SANS 94-2 2003
Polyester Sling – Flat Woven Type EN 1492-1 / SANS 94-1 2003
Steel Wire Rope Sling SABS ISO 7531:1987

Clamps and Attachments:

Steel Plate / Section Lifting Clamps EN 13155
Steel Coil ‘C’ Hooks EN 13155/DIN 15018
Pallet forks and Grabs EEC 89 / EEC 91 / 36B/EEC
Lifting Beams and Frames DIN 15018


Shackle Lifting : Bow and Dee FED SPEC RR -C- 271
Shackle Pulling : Bow and Dee BS 3032
Steel Wire Rope Clip (Crosby Clamps) FF -C- 450
Steel Wire Rope Thimbles BS 464 / FF -T- 276

Always specify design standard on drawings/specifications/tenders and purchase orders.
All equipment must be individually certified and have tracebility info.

Legal Requirements as of 2006/07/01 (South Africa)

It is the USERS responsibility to comply with the following:

  1. Mine Health & Safety Act, Chapter 8: Machinery and Equipment: Lifting Equipment Regulations. Effective December 15, 2005  These new regulations cover definitions, factors of safety, operating procedures,  adherence to safe lifting practice etc.
  2. Mine Helath and Safety Act – Act No 29 of 1996 Section 9: Code of Practice. Section 10: Employer to provide Health and Safety Training. Section 11: Employer to assess and respond to risk.  Section 21: Manufacturers and suppliers duty for helath and safety.  Section 22: Employees duty for Health and Safety.
  3. OHS Act – Act 85 of 1993 Section 8: General duties of employers: sub Par (e) (f) and (i).Section 14: General duties of employees: sub Par (a) (c) and (d).  Section 15: Duty not to interfere with or damage Section 16: Appointments of Competent Persons
  4. OHS Act – Driven Machinery Regulations Regulation 18: Covers Lifting Equipment Regulation 18 (1-9): Covers Lifting Machinery Regulation 18 (10): Covers Lifting Tackle         Also see Definitions, which detail the different types
  5. Summary of the important clauses of the OHS-Act, pertaining to lifting tackle. Regulation 18: Sub Regulation 10 (summary)
    1. Design parameters, implies manufacturers test or compliance certificates.
    2. “all lifting assemblies” must be conspicuously and clearly marked with  identification particulars, and the M.M.L. (trace ability)
    3. Design factors of safety for different types  4:1 = alloy chain for lifting   6:1 = steel wire rope and man-made textile slings (webbing)
    4. Wire rope discard criteria
    5. Mandatory three monthly minimum inspection periods for lifting tackle (single shift operation) by a competent person, which should be recorded in a register.
    6. Lifting tackle to be stored or protected when not in use.

NOTE: It is important to note that the D.O.L. is currently reviewing DMR 18 and that updated Regulations should become effective in 2006
WARNING!! Lifting Operations are potentially dangerous tasks

Avoid risks by using the correct equipment that is in safe working order and by trained operators. Accidents will always result in injury and or death and  equipment damage.


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